Fegnion - webshop

Webshop design for Fegnion, a family owned and operated raw cat food company from New York-Queens. With the phrase "You are what you eat", Fegnion celebrate the cat's real nature of obligate carnivore.

Webshop UX process took some time, and a lot of testing and getting information about fur-parents habits. We had the help of company owner friends who are also fur-parents and people from the local cat rescue club.

Since the food is frozen, it needs to be shipped in special thermo-boxes. Boxes are quite big and they can store from 6 to 18 food packages (containers). We created 4 options so the costumers can mix and match different products and do not feel restricted in process. We created appealing UI, designed custom illustrations, infographics, webshop is developed in WordPress.

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