Timbow Brush Set for Procreate
See the full set here: https://creativemarket.com/Primosworkshop/3807308-Timbow-Brush-Set-%28Plus-FREE-font%29
If you're interested in hand lettering, chances are you know what a great tool the *Tombow Dual Brush* is. It's smooth, flows well, adapts for thin and thick strokes, and even has a bit of texture to it. If you've become friends with good 'ol Tom, then I'd like to introduce you to his digital cousin, Tim. *Timbow, that is.*
Inspired by the various uses and stages (who doesn't love a dying marker?) of a Tombow Brush marker, this set includes 8 different brushes.
Meet the many brush faces of *Timbow*:
**Brand New Tim** - Crisp, clean, slightly textured, lays down a pretty even coat of ink and has a sharp snap to it.
**Slick Tim** - A bit softer than the Brand New Tim and inks like it has a little more fluid flowing coursing through the veins.
**Slim Tim #1** - A quick and thin brush with a slightly textured edge to give it some depth and direction.
**Slim Tim #2** - As thin as it gets, boasting a wispy yet business-like professional touch.
**Drying Tim** - A little bit looser than the Brand New Tim while showing signs of drying from seasoned used. Reminds you of that one brush you keep picking up.
**Dying Tim** - Memento Mori, my friends. All good markers come to an end. This brush shows signs of the grave but will refuse to give up the ghost.
**Fat Tim** - He may be hefty, but this brush can move. Plenty of size and style to go with this sharp textured brush.
**Tweaker Tim** - Good news, he lost the weight. Bad news, he's an addict. Better news, he's a fast and sporadically textured brush with a little case of the jitters and some paranoia.