BBC Earth: Hawk
Dynasties is a show presented by BBC Earth, where they follow specific animal personalities that struggle to survive against rivals, and the forces of nature. Narrated by the great David Attenborough, the storylines are amazing and the footage is spectacular. This first season was so fascinating, I thought it would be another interesting exercise to conceptualize an animal specific website inspired by the show. The concept I chose was to focus on a website devoted to that very idea of following animals throughout their lives. This site allows the user to visit them at any time or view highlights of their day to day. The drive was to bring awareness and give fans the ability to join in conservation efforts. I wanted to present these beautiful creatures in a digital format shaped by my love for animals. The focus was informative and promotion based. I used the hawk as a starting off point for color scheme and vibe to set the tone for the rest of the brand.
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