BotBits III

Well, it's "done". Check out the full view.
Dateline 2034 - San Francisco CA

The last of these now 10 year old SFPD surveillance droids are now being decommissioned. Purchased at enormous cost in 2024, these ineffective autonomous "streetwalkers" were supposed to decrease inner-city crime by roving the streets reporting activities and providing a police presence.

Criminals and mischief seekers found it was easy to defeat, topple and even blind them with a well tossed paint balloon. In theory the droids worked well in recording, identifying incidents and individuals and calling for the real police. In practice, they were a dismal failure. Their non-lethal sonic system for incapacitating criminals was indiscriminate, causing painful effects for anyone within 50 feet.

The public mistrusted the entire system after the 2029 window peeping / recording scandal that lead to the firing of police chief Huang Li.

Autodesk Inventor, 3D Studio MAX, Vray, Photoshop.

More by Russ Schwenkler

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