FWD.us Mobile About page with moving block interaction

FWD.us Mobile About page reveal animation, with a moving block animation that nods to the main brand block system.

The new identity is a visual representation of the FWD.us’ approach: To strategically move the right pieces forward to unlock something new. The new identity is very much in motion: It leans heavily on forward movement and we see a lot of pieces unlocking in the collateral, visually emphasizing FWD’s big message. The new identity strikes a balance across party lines: The F-lettermark is impactful and active, while the serif wordmark balances the identity out to appeal to grasstops audiences as well.

Throughout the website, the forward motion and moving blocks, defining elements of the brand, are very much present. They connect the web experience tightly with the overall visual system.

Read more: https://www.joonasvirtanen.com/project/fwdus

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