Catalyst Form

For this shot, I chose to re-imagine part of Catalyst, a data collection app for ABA therapists. Here is the "SOAP notes" subtab, where therapists keep track of learners progress to generate more effective treatment plans, or submit to insurance.

First and foremost, I added a the side navigation menu and icons from Font Awesome. In the current version of Catalyst, there is top navigation with nested subtabs. I wanted to drive a clearer visual hierarchy through the navigation experience.

Next, I decided to create the red "Add New" button to create a more intuitive experience for users. In the current version of Catalyst, SOAP Note entry is done in a separate 'Data Entry' tab, which can be hard to find for newer users of the program. I wanted the program to be intuitive and make sense.

I also added the "Filter By" function for a better search experience. In that area, users can search by date range, times, therapists, and location. In a similar vein, I added the "Sort By" arrows at the top of each column for a more general search experience.

More by Kristina Kennedy

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