Main Homepage Redesign
Daniel Serrano - Ninja Gaming and Tech Reviews - Sole Proprietor / Owner / Founder - Professional Web Designer / Developer / SEO + Marketing Specialist
I recreated my webpage - - I use WooCommerce for the store, Beaver Builder for a Wix-like page design tool, custom CSS for the design, JavaScript for the Facebook app and picture in the center of the homepage. I combined my Ninja Blog and my main Ninja Web Design website into one so now all of my content from YouTube, Ninja Blog ( ) and Ninja Web Design can be combined into one site. I also used Search Engine Optimization and Yoast SEO to get the page to be seen on page 1 of search engines using the search term "Ninja Web Design". I use GoDaddy E-mail marketing for e-mail marketing campaigns. So, now everything is together like a corporate site and it's all done by one guy, Me!