Greater than Avatars: Matt D. Smith's work, health, + family.
The first film is live! Watch it at:
Greater than Avatars is a film series on the humans behind the avatars. We know their work, tweets, and avatars but we're so much more than that. We all have our struggles and things we deal with everyday -- those are the real things that make us who we are.
In this film, Matt D. Smith, a freelance designer from Athens, GA, explains how he manages to keep his health and family a priority while still achieving more work than most in a strict 9-5 daily process.
Find Matt online at:
Directed, filmed, and edited by Dann Petty.
In association with InVision.
Check out for more info and be sure to snag some limited edition merch to help support more videos! Especially this tee -- named after Matt