Workbookers - a mobile app for the new job market

Hey guys! đź‘‹ Time for another Dribbble shot.

For a startup in The Netherlands we've designed a mobile app which allow professionals in the technical (and other) industries to put their profile online. What is different about Workbookers compared to LinkedIn for example is: it is more much simple, but at the same time quite powerful. It is like your digital CV. It doesn't have the 'bloat' of other big social media apps. Though, Workbookers is positioned as a 'tool' and not as a social network. You also get job recommendations based on your profile in your mail box automatically (you can turn in off).

We've worked extensively with entrepreneur Eduard Vos who has a great vision for the future of the job market.

The app free to download in the app store and it was built in Ionic by CodeBridge.

We hope you like it!

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