Mobile Mockups
The customer experience platform for SACCOs, that makes serving its member easy & secure.
Until late 2017, there was no comprehensive tool for credit unions that aggregate their data in one place and bridges the gap between them and their members.
To capture their innovation, we created a brand that pays homage to kwara’s origin and its customers that are rooted in Africa. A modern, humanist typeface with fresh colours, organic shapes and patterns lay the foundation.
As the product covers every aspect of a SACCO, from serving its members to managing its finance, we embraced the vast amount of data and turned it into something meaningful that every member of a SACCO understands.
At the centre of every SACCO are its members. However, they’ve been kept out with no easy way to access their data. The mobile app not only provides a gateway but creates transparency, which leads to trust.
Check out the entire case study: