ChopShop Game Project - UI/ UX - How it works
ChopShop Game Project - UI/ UX - How it works
About ChopShop Game:
Explore the streets outside and use your camera to collect cars in this up-and-coming game!
You own captured cars in-game and can view their make, model and value after they've passed
through player owned dealerships. In ChopShop you discover and collect cars which you can
then sell from your garage. There's a community emphasis, you interact with others to avoid jail,
you can start your own dealership, etc.
The big challenge was to provide a fluid experience for the players on different platforms,
as well as to satisfy the clients unique vision of how the game should look and feel like.
My Role:
+ Logo & Branding
+ UI/ UX Solution
+ Web Design
+ Icons & Other
Best :)