Taylor Gourmet POTUS Infographic

The Project: Washington DC, the home to the President of the United States and the home of authentic, top-of-the-line hoagies. When approached by friends and owners of Taylor Gourmet to create an infographic highlighting their recent encounter with President Barack Obama, we said, absolutely! The hoagie shop was selected to host the President for a Small Business Administration Roundtable discussion. In lieu of enjoying hoagies during the discussion, President Obama ordered, paid and brought a variety of hoagies back to the White House for many leaders of Congress.

Since the visit, Taylor Gourmet has experienced positive feedback from their current customer base, as well as an increase in both sales and traffic to their stores.

The Methodology: What better way to share the story of Taylor Gourmet and the Presidential visit than to create an infographic that tells the story of the visit through a compelling hoagie-style visual. The infographic provides a detailed account of the visit, highlighting tweets, news articles, changes in sales and spikes in social media chatter. All is tied together with red, white and blue sandwich-themed imagery.

From the Client: “When my head started to exploded digesting the data a few days after the visit….I thought to myself 'who could I call that will be able to bring this data to life’.....JESS3 was the only name that came to mind. I didn’t even consider another team. I even kept it a secret from the owners for about a week, knowing full well they would be blown away with JESS3’s work – and i didn’t want to jinx anything. From late night emails, to double checking, to responding right away…to implementing our suggestions with the JESS3 magic touch, to working with the illustrators – JESS3 truly did a flawless job.”

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