Send cash


Please check out my new project for XD Daily Creative Challenge day 7 - Send cash.
The challenge is to: Create a 'send cash' app for mobile. Experiment with multiple sending options, such as QR code or contactless. Try using an on/off switch from challenge 1.
Simple & clean project - log in (as as it's on your phone we skipped login/ sign up step) with fingerprint. Choose from 2 options: Pay or see transactions/pay to who? Choose from contacts or to add new one/select contact, confirm. How much we want to pay? Select the money currency & the fee amount. Pay with? Select the way we will pay or cards or apple pay (contactless) or QR code. Summary - confirm (with confirming screen that it's done) or cancel any of choices will lead us to main screen.

See how it works:
Interactive prototype

Adobe XD Creative Challenge April 2019 collection

Icons from & from XD file.
Phone background photo from
Mockup from google search.

I hope you will like it!
Cheers & good night :)

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