Letter N · Narciso · #36daysoftype #SellosNaturales
#PassionProject #SellosNaturales La mitológica historia de la letra N y la flor Narciso. 🌼🌼 En la mitología griega, Narciso era un joven cuya belleza seducia a todo el que le mirase. Un día la ninfa Eco quedó perdidamente enamorada de su atractivo físico pero Narciso la rechazó y cayó bajo la furia de la diosa Némesis, quien lo condujo a un estanque donde se enamoraró de su reflejo hasta consumirse y de ahi nació la flor. 🌼🌿
#36daysoftype Letter N. 🌼🌼 Narcissus was pretty full of himself because he had been given the gift of great beauty by the gods. One day, a sweet young wood nymph named Echo spotted Narcissus hanging out by a stream and instantly fell in love with him. However, he was so busy being completely self-absorbed that he ignored Echo.
Later, the goddess Nemesis decided it was time to teach Narcissus a lesson. She led him to a stream, where he happened to notice the most beautiful young man he had ever seen – it was his own reflection, and he was so vain that he fell in love with his own image. Some of the other gods were worried that Narcissus was going to starve to death, so they turned him into a flower, which now blooms every year in the spring. 🌼🌿