Warriors Way Coffee PO Joe

the New US Navy Themed Coffee Packaging is coming from our best client of Western Pacific, Warriors Way Coffee. They are growing their product line serving the US troops deploying this coffee bag to the field. ☕️
🏅Thank you, Mr. Philip!🏅
Coming soon to their online store. Printed by @roastar.
Sector: Coffee Industry
Product: Coffee Packaging Design
Packaging: Gloss Laminate Gusseted 12oz Bag with Metallic Effect
Printer Supplier: @roastar
Client: Warrior’s Way Coffee

Warriors Way Coffee is a coffee company located at Guam, a U.S. island territory in Micronesia. They are bringing best coffees to US troops and families, all of them with a military theme. They decide to create their own coffee using their well know brand in this segment.

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