Every Buddy Onboarding Game

Digital Surgeons hosted our very first Quarter Hack: Team Edition for our internal team here—a day in which we were split into teams of 5 and asked to solve a problem.

The question was around teamwork. My group and I came to the insight that teamwork runs the smoothest when everyone on the team is familiar and comfortable with one another. That is when Every Buddy came to life.

Every Buddy is the ultimate employee onboarding system for teams. When a new person is introduced to a team (whether it be work, sports, a band, or a school project) they will receive an envelope containing their first buddy card. On that card will be 1 randomly chosen team member and three randomly generated activities, based on your location, that are each worth a different amount of points.

The back of the card contains a short description of the team member so that the new person can learn a bit about them before getting together. The matched team member will also receive a card detailing the activities and containing a short bio on the new person, for the same reason.

Once you complete an activity with a team member, your points are collected on a Buddy Board online. You will be rewarded with prizes determined by the team when you reach a certain amount of points.

So much more I could say about this, but I've save it for other posts!

Essentially this is a way to motivate team members to get to know a new member in a fun and quirky way through the element of surprise.

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