East Coast vs West Coast Challenge 3: Coast Cuisine
EAST vs WEST Design Challnege #3: Coast CuisineWelcome back to the third week of the East vs West Coast Design Challenge! A lot has taken place this week, with a great showing from both coasts! We're gaining steam as we roll into our third week. A big announcement for us, we're on the front page of the Playoffs Page! Thanks to all of the competitors, likers, and spectators in this competition thus far for making better everyday! With everyone's help, this competition is getting bigger, competitors are getting known, and the competition is getting fiercer! Now for this week's results! This week, taking home the Gold for the West Coast, is Miguel Angel Cardona Jr. with his West Coast Custom Type Logo with a boatload of 30 likes! His creative use of the 'S' and 'T' and interesting composition made this shot really stand out among the rest! Great job to Miguel! Close behind him, also from the West, with her debut shot in EWDC at 27 likes is Hope Winchester Tweed! Her West Coast Logo gained a lot of likes from trendy-folk, as she incorporated a lot of likable graphics, colors, and one sweet photo to place them all in! Hats off to you Hope! And in third place, from the East, Stephanie Y Mitchell and her East Coast shot totaling 26 likes! Her vector illustration of the light house (maybe from Cape Cod or South Carolina?), decorative scroll, and subtle textures put her on the grandstand! Great work Stephanie! And of course, GREAT JOB to all you other competitors out there! If you haven't made it to the grandstand yet, don't worry! If anything has shown yet, its that every week is someone different on top! Keep it up!
Now for this week's competition, just in time for the BBQ!
Challenge #3: Coast Cuisine For this week, us americans are to show off the pride in our coasts with a shot of its cuisine. Your shot can be, illustrated, rendered, or created – whatever that means to you! Must include: - a food - type Your shot cannot be: - A photo
Since it IS 4th of July Week, it would be prudent to pay attention to that holiday in this weeks shot! Show off your pride! As our two coasts fiercely battle weekly for the title in this arena, we are still part of one great nation! You've been given your mission, now get out there and create!