Teen Extreme 2019 Theme Logo: Driven

Logo I created for Teen Extreme Camp's 2019 summer theme: Driven.

Each summer, Teen Extreme has a theme logo as well as four individual team logos (teams will be officially announced to the public at the beginning of camp and I will post them after the announcement!) designed for use in promotional materials as well as for use during camp.

This logo combines elements from each of the four team logos. Color as well as texture and pattern has been brought into the four quadrants that make up the badge. My goal for this logo was for it to have a clean, simple, and modern design as well as being easily recognizable to our target market on social media or in theme-branded materials used throughout camp.

We also wanted to avoid a "race-car" look. The theme is based on modern, high-end cars and that style is what I strived to communicate through this logo for Teen Extreme's Driven.

Check out the Teen Extreme website I designed: https://www.teenextremecamp.com

Copyright © 2019
Pensacola Christian College

Jocelyn Wright Powell
Designing like there's no tomorrow.
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