Lima Dribbble Meetup

You are invited by Christian Vizcarra.
Rebound para el Meetup organizado por Christian Vizcarra en ReBoot Space, el 23 de marzo del 2019.

Aqui las indicaciones:

1) Incluye la siguiente información, y después y agrega lo que quieras extra :D "Lima Dribbble Meetup", "Te invita Christian Vizcarra".
2) Adjunto la paleta de colores para que uses el color de Dribbble y alguno/s de la paleta.
3) Publica un rebound de este shot, así después recopilo todos y lo proyecto en el evento!
4) En tu shot, copia y pega este texto así otras personas pueden participar.

I want to make a playoff, we hope you join! The published shots will be projected on a TV during the event. There is no competition, this is just to meet us, my idea is to help more people share their work and if you can not go at least people will look at your design :)

Here are the indications:
1) Include the following information, and then add what you want extra :D "Lima Dribbble Meetup", "You are invited by Christian Vizcarra".
2) I attach the color palette for you to use the Dribbble color and some of the palette.
3) Publish a rebound of this shot, so then I can compile all
4) In your shot, copy and paste this text so other people can participate.

More by Jack Huaman

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