CarAid Landing Page

Landing page is a tool of great importance for building the mobile app branding and online presence. It plays a crucial role if the case is mobile-only and the app doesn’t correlate with a website. Put simply, landing page is a web page designed with a focus on a specific goal and a quick way of accomplishing a particular action. So, for a mobile app, the goal will be app installation and the landing page task is to concisely cover its benefits and functions. What’s more, you can create multiple landing pages for one app based on various segments of the target audience. It is an effective way to reach users and give them a quick presentation of the app telling them more than just screenshots on the AppStore.

Here a quick glance on a landing page of that kind: it presents the CarAid, mobile application of the service to solve problems with a car and save drivers their time, money and nerve cells. The page design is built around a prominent hero illustration setting the original visual style and catching users' attention. Would it catch yours?

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