You vs. You
Something I’ve really been digging from going to CrossFit classes over the past couple of months is the idea that you’re there to better yourself.
Often the workouts are focused on getting the top score, but we’re always reminded by the coaches that it doesn’t matter what everyone else is scoring, just that you are doing your best. Everyone is at their own point in their journey and there are too many variables to make comparison relevant.
Reminds me a lot of the typical mantra around social media these days that it’s so easy to focus on what everyone else is doing (or looks like they are doing) and getting jealous, when really we should flip it and focus on what we are doing while being happy for others.
I’ve been playing around with some t-shirt design ideas around this to remind myself of the real opponent here, past you.
Needs a little tweaking on the kerning now the drop-shadow is there, but pretty happy with where this is going. Fonts are from the Antique Olive family.