Logo Cards

Logo cards showing a few different versions of the GEX lockup, icons, and acronym. Custom icons at smaller sizes have fewer lines.

When I build logos, I try to build out everything the client will ever need. This brand had a few extras because the long name led to several versions: one long line, stacked, and acronym, icon left and icon top. There were also the custom small size versions, the standard and reversed colors, print and web, standalone logo, standalone word marks, and different file formats. All told, there were well over 100 logo files delivered along with the rest of the branding.

This is something clients don't think about when they go cheap on logo/brand design. They don't get something that will work in all the different places they'll need to put it from signage to web to social to print to mobile app, down to 16px favicons, and up to giant versions on the side of buildings or on billboards.

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Chat Clussman
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