Lean identity

'Sup guys

I'm happy to share with you me first decent brand post, i wanted to share my identity work for a long time but didn't find the right way to share it you guys. I also was sharing only web/interaction stuff for the last 2 years or so and that got me thinking like maybe i should only post web/interaction work. I actually do quiet a lot of identity work too and i'm happy to start sharing that more with you guys.

This identity was made for the Lean project i did at the studio. The target audience is high performing young CEO's that are constantly at work and go to Lean to get a good sweat in!

When it comes to identity work, i'm not a big fan of only showing the logo (also when presenting to the client). Personally i always present the complete identity, so for these kinds of post I tried to found a 'framework' for everything i want in this shot. Here's what I find important in these identity posts.

1. The logo (mostly animated version)
2. Type of photography (in other cases it can be illustrations or even no photograpy if i decide that the identity doesn't need it)
3. What's specific to this identity (in this case the condensed typeface overlapping with the photography)
4. Mockups of the identity in use.

I hope you guys enjoy these branding post next to my usual web/interaction posts.

Supercurious to here your thougts!
Have a great day guys. Peace ✌


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We are a brand experience studio.

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