Finance Dashboard
Good morning, Dribbble! 👋
We'd like to present you a couple of tips to create a well structured dashboard including complex data.
1️⃣ Choose a legible font It's clearly one of the most important tips we can give you. Use a font which is legible and can also be used to display numbers properly.
2️⃣ Use colours wisely Choose your colors wisely and take note that dashboards are not meant to be a rainbow. Best practice would be to create a styleguide for various states of your data.
3️⃣ Create visual hierarchy Ask yourself: What's important? What does the user needs to see and what's the primary goal of this dashboard? Make sure to prioritize the key information and be aware of font sizes.
4️⃣ Use the right visualization Be aware that dashboards have the purpose to perceive complex data quickly and the only way you can achieve this goal is by choosing the correct graphs and visualization.
5️⃣ Be a minimalist Sometimes less is more and this applies also for dashboards.
We wish you a successful week and check out our blog for interesting and more in-depth articles.
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