ExploreMore: Wonders of World
ExploreMore: Wonders of World Explore Showcase. XD URL: https://xd.adobe.com/view/07141474-1998-4ddb-52e1-9c054cf33c22-7125/?fullscreen
Do check out the animations and give any sort of criticism.
In this addition to the ExploreMore Series, This Time I focused solely on Animation and Parallax Effect created directly in @Adobe XD. It might not be the first choice for creating animations but still, it was worth the try.
Animations in XD is little tricky and I got to know so much about these features in this Shot. There's some issue with the Animation video rendering properly to the Dribbble Specifications. but will post that soon.
I am showcasing Wonders across the world.
Created entirely in Adobe XD. If you haven't checked out it yet, do it now.
ExploreMore Logo was created in Adobe Illustrator.
Do Check out more Shots and Designs.