Basketball School Platform: Statistics Dashboard

Hey there!

Check out a dashboard I designed here at Zajno for a basketball school platform. The dashboard is a part of an app that has different interface and features for 2 different roles: students and coaches. The one you see above allows students to see their progress, schedule and get feedback from their coaches. The one for coaches will be similar, showcasing each student’s profile and statistics.

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Goals Designing a dashboard that visualizes students’ progress and facilitates communication between students and coaches, providing each party with instant access to all necessary stats.

Approach As the app is mainly targeted at students, our goal was presenting the data in an interesting and appealing way (as much appealing as stats can be for students without boring their socks off). To this end we used bright color palette and unconventional layout: that should allow holding young players’ attention and keeping them focused. On top of that we paid great attention to smart whitespace utilization to make the app as clean and user-friendly as possible.

Results We ended up with an informative, intuitive and lively dashboard that should come in really handy to both basketball school students and coaches. There are more designs to come, stay tuned to see more! And share your feedback on this one!

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