Adventures with Alice Cookbook

Last year, my mom passed away unexpectedly (which is one of the reasons for the long gap between this post and my last one). My mom was one of those home cooks that was like a magnet for convincing my friends to come over - not skimping on the butter, big weekend breakfasts, all made from scratch.

My mom was a 70s child (there is more than one Jell-O salad recipe in this cookbook), and I wanted to capture that with my color palette, typography, and illustrations. I also included bits of handwriting from her recipe cards (visible in the attachments).

I documented the creation of this book in a Skillshare class which I published earlier this month. To cap it off, I'm doing a giveaway on Instagram for a one-year membership to Skillshare (ending Feb 28th at 12 pm MST!).

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