WIAD Day: Vision Impaired + Book for the Blind

As a part of the World IA Day 2019 theme of "Design for Difference," CapTech's Customer Experience team challenged our designers, developers and strategists to collaborate on ideas to improve the experience for people who may need different access to information and technology, or language and cultural understanding, due to disabilities or abilities, difference in age, gender, or identifying differently in an experience.

For #WorldIADay, our copywriter Aprill Jones and senior visual designer, Derrek Turner, worked together to bring a children’s book concept to life. "The Adventures of Handsome Henry: the Brave Dog Who Became Blind," was created to go beyond print and Braille, and on to text-to-speech, high contrast and 2-D illustrations for digital versions, and the latest raised line print, digital finger swipes, and voice command technology.

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