Jonathan Baylis ("So Buttons") headshot sketch

Sketch of Jonathan Baylis (Indie Comix Auteur & TV Writer/Producer) in his signature pose from his autobio comix series "So Buttons." Past collaborations I've worked on with Jonathan include the award-winning "Intrepid" (, which has been included in juried shows such as the Philadelphia Sketch Club Art of Sequential and the Foundry Art Centre's KA-POW! Comic Art & Storyboarding Exhibition.

Dutch comics blogger Martin Wisse said of the the story in a review, "It’s easy to forget if you’ve been reading them your whole life, but you need to learn how to read comics, how to interpret and order a sequence of images on a page; how an artist lays out the pages and tells the story can help or hinder this process. Tim Ogline’s choices here all seem designed to make the story easy to follow even for a non-comics reading audience. Some of his choices reflect what Bryan Talbot did for his 'Tale of one Bad Rat,' one example of a comic deliberately designed to be readable by people unfamiliar with comics." The story has also been required reading in a "Composing Graphic Narratives" course at Rutgers University.

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