Aroma Search Improvements

After doing a dozen and half users interviews we found our search wasn't performing as well as we would like.

Our patrons expressed their feelings about the rigidness of the search and how it created negative friction in their experiences.

Our solution was to simplify the search and make it feel more human. We did this by widening the search parameters and making the search feel more like you're asking a question. We also added reactive suggestions and reduced the steps in the flow

We tested a prototype out on another dozen users and found it performed much better then it's predecessor. Users expressed the new search was leaps and bounds ahead of the last update.

*My Thoughts*
I have been learning over time, the more "human" you can make a process feel the better it will be received. The second I realized this, it was easy to see the search needed to act more like a space to ask questions then to state what you wanted.

More by Matthew Vaccaro

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