Growth Mindset: Football Championship

Like any creative person, it's tough for me to look at any of my work that's more than a year or so old without cringing. Such is the case with much of my newspaper design (which won me multiple awards; go figure). I'm embarking upon a (fun?) exercise taking some of my "best" past work and redoing it as best I can.

The second installment in this series is focused on redoing the Sports section cover I designed for coverage of a high school football championship. Center Grove, the largest school in the coverage area for the paper I was working at, had a miraculous comeback win for their first-ever state football championship.

I no longer have access to the original artwork, so I had to find something similar. Special shouts to photographers Simon Steinberger and Keith Johnston, whose Unsplash work I used for the new page.

I think the spirit of the original page was great and that story really holds up. I wanted the new version to capture it even better. I'm going to write a longer blog post about this at some point (

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