Concept - Homegrown App Login

Working on a new personal project for my portfolio. I've done a little bit of web/app designing here and there just to familiarize myself, but this is my first app design that I think is worth sharing.

Homegrown is something I've been thinking about for a long time. I like to maintain a nice collection of plants at home - at one point having 100+ plants in my apartment - and it's difficult being consistent when every plant ends up having different needs. I've tried out various plant apps, but I've had trouble finding a nice, clean-looking app that does what I need it to. This is just a personal design project, so it won't be in development, but a girl can dream :)

This shot is only the landing and login pages, but I'm designing the app out a bit. Keep an eye out for future Homegrown shots!

[Images courtesy of Unsplash]

Jessica Warner
Curious, Crafty, & Compassionate.
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