Monthly highlight of the day

Hey guys,

I want to share some of my story. Recently, I had started to read book. I always tell myself that I hate reading books. I am not a reader nor a book person. I always find that reading is a boring task to do. This year I want to change my view of reading. I had different kind of genre book such as fiction, non-fiction, self-help book and etc. Eventually it lead me to one things called habits.

You can read the full story here:

I had created a habit journal to track my habits and using pomodoro technique to focus on my task. I will share more story regards Pomodoro technique next time. Here I want to share my design to you guys that I had been using recently to track my habits and etc. Hope that it also can help you guys and focus on important task.

Check out this link to get yourself a copy:

More by Jeffery Tan

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