Branding Options We're Stuck On

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I'm starting a new project with an illustrator and a strength coach. It's called Outlive.

The mission is to help those who are looking to get an athletic, strong, and healthy body—without putting it as their first priority in life. It's for real people who have a family, have a career, or are studying and have no desire to moonlight as a bodybuilder.

There's a bit of a stigma around lifting weights, but I'm not so sure how widely held it is. I personally used to think it was vain and stupid. But I got into reluctantly from my roommates' suggestion (Shane) to see if it to help me fix my tendonitis that I was suffering from for 5 years from spending every waking hour doing design.

And it worked. And not only that, but I didn't realize how tired and weak I was before. After that huge burden of pain was removed, I realized that lifting and eating well was much more than what I thought it was.

And unfortunately, it seems like, from the people I've talked to, many people think it's not for them and it's only for bodybuilders and athletes.

But researchers are calling weight-lifting and eating well a cornerstone habit for regular people like you and me. People start lifting and eating well and all of a sudden people quit drinking, smoking, and gambling. It helps people fight back against depression, calm their anxiety, and prevents diseases.

And new research is showing how exercising even helps with decision making, improving learning and minimizing procrastination. So it's an amazing tool for productivity and growth.

One doctor said something similar to me. He said that after lifting weights cured his knee, back, and hip pain, he now calls it the Balm of Gilead.

Anyways, the three of us just want to play my small part in helping people with a system that's easy to follow and built for real life.

If you want to help me, you could:

a) Make a vote by leaving a comment on what version of the logo is your favourite.

b) If this mission aligns with you, head on over to and sign up for the mailing list for future updates and tips. I won't be posting again about this project, so now is a good time to subscribe. (But please don't sign up unless this resonates with you, we don't want to spam you.)

c) Tell one person, the first who popped into your mind, who you think might want to hear about this.

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