Night & Day Postage Stamp Illustration
Dream Client: USPS ✨ I've decided to manifest my dream clients by vocalizing the projects I desire most. In addition, I intend to create examples of what that collaboration might look like if given the opportunity. 💪 The chance to create an official postage stamp is at the top of my bucket list! 🙏 My interest in stamps leads all the way back to a movie from 1988 called Tommy Tricker and the Stamp Traveller. I know, super random! Haha. The kids in that movie accidentally discover a way to shrink themselves and travel the globe on postage stamps. It's a little cheesy but really fun. The stamps were magnified in a lot of scenes so you could see how they incorporated the kids, but I was more interested in the artwork! I was in awe of how detailed the work could be for such a small amount of space. And the variety! There were so many different styles. It's no wonder why people collect them. So one day I hope to have a legit stamp of my own. Perhaps that little piece of postage might even be added to a stamp collector's private collection. What an honor that would be. Indeed. If you know somebody who knows somebody, let 'em know. 💌