Critique Cards

Inspired by IDEO's critique cards, I designed this is a deck of cards, each with a question focused on an aspect of design. When presented with a whole design it’s difficult to quickly evaluate that design against brand, user needs, typography, balance, colour etc.

So instead of the traditional suits of Hearts, Spades, Clubs and Diamonds, we have The Doer, The Empathiser, The Simplifier, The Innovator, The Grounded One and the Nitpicker, spelling D.E.S.I.G.N. By embodying a persona, this helps you gain a new perspective and look at the design from a different angle.

The illustrations I drew for these cards are inspired by Bruno Munari's book, 'Design as Art'. One of the most influential designers of the 20th century, Munari insisted that design be beautiful, functional and accessible. Munari believed that art and life should coalesce, and encouraged people to transcend formal conventions by showing them how to broaden their perceptual awareness.

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