Zajno Newsletter: The Launch
Big news, guys!
Starting today we are launching Zajno Newsletter! A lot of time was spent on making it just the way we wanted it to be, we put heart into it and made it with love for you to enjoy.
Why? It sounds kind of too obvious to say, but smart and clear communication is everything to us. We couldn’t live in a world where people didn’t share their knowledge and ideas, and helping folks get their message across is what gets us out of bed in the morning. So, thinking about all this, and counting up all the little pieces of inspiration that keep us moving forward, we decided to launch this newsletter – just in case any of the dope tunes, good reads, or sweet art and design projects that keep our minds popping might inspire you too.
How often? We won’t be tapping you on the shoulder every morning or anything annoying like that. We reckon we’ll pop up once or twice a month with a few choice morsels for your delectation.
Didn’t get the letter?Subscribe for the next one here:
For more information, please, read the article we’ve just published to answer all questions you might have and to give a deeper insight on what Zajno Newsletter actually is. Read me :)
Please, share your feedback! If you have some ideas on how we can improve our newsletter, we’d be happy to hear your thoughts!
P.S. Many thanks to @Alena Chernitsyna, @Yegor Mytrofanov@Irene Bilenko and especially @Svetlana Babenko for making it happen!
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