Logo - banner for 1st School of Bento workshop

This self intoned project was started in 2010-2011 with Vanessa Šerka and Vina Čurčija. As we where all big fans of Japnese culture and kitchen, after one bad lecture that everybody we know asked us why we like it? We decided to create a set of workshops featuring 3 characters that would explain what is it all about. The workshops had 1 theoretically, and 2 practical parts for participants. Since we focused on food, our first batch was for creating onigiri, the history, the preparation and the role and creation in a bento box as something nutritious but also playful. Our goal was to expand the knowledge we got over time, and make people engage in the process. This logo was dynamic, as the topics of workshops changed the illustration part (the food in bento box changed) changing the topic.

Marina Mijatovic
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