#097-Giveaway + Dribble Invite

Hi Dribbbles!
I have TWO invites to give away! If you are interested, send your best work or a link to your portfolio to greenair33@hotmail.com.
I'll select on Sunday, Feb 10, 2019.

(With subject: "Dribbble Invite" and your Dribbble account link in the email, thanks:> )

我才剛發現我有兩張邀請函,剛好利用這主題,釋出邀請票給還未加入的朋友。如果你有興趣,請將你的最佳作品或相關連結發送至greenair33@hotmail.com,並附上主題:“Dribbble Invite”和你的Dribbble帳戶連結。


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