Big Life Lessons From Billionaires and Future Changing Tips

The interesting thing about one of the world’s richest men in the world, is that he doesn’t act like it. To many people, the entire point of becoming successful is to enjoy a successful lifestyle. This often means acting and doing certain things, such as pursuing supermodels or women that were previously out of your class, purchasing entire businesses that will help you live a more interesting life, such as hotels, nightclubs, or airlines, and perhaps simply spending ludicrous amounts of money on boats, cars, and vacations. Warren Buffett doesn’t do that, however.
In fact, Mr. Buffett is famous for how modest that he lives, which proves that his entire life goal isn’t really about displaying his wealth, but instead about conserving it. He lives in the exact same house that he purchased in the late 1950s in Omaha, Nebraska. He originally purchased this house for a little over $30,000, and it is now worth about a quarter million dollars. Even the purchase of his own home has been the kind of investment that Warren Buffett is famous for!
Okay, so he lives in a modest home, but that’s just a trick to distract us from the insane foreign car that he drives, right? Wrong. Believe it or not, Mr. Buffett drives a modest Cadillac that costs less than $50,000, and he spends only several dollars on his breakfast every day at McDonald’s.
The point is that Warren Buffett didn’t amass all of this wealth simply to spend it, or have fun. He has been a very dedicated person who was always hard working, and knew what he wanted to. There are many stories about how knew what he wanted to do since he was a child, and it is this kind of concentration that has created his legacy as one of the investors that has consistently beaten out the market for the longest period of time.
It should also be noted that Warren Buffett understands his influence, and he doesn’t just hoard his money. He has a net worth of over 80 billion dollars, but he has given away tens of billions of dollars. In fact, he teamed up with Bill and Melinda Gates for the Giving Pledge, which encourages the world’s wealthiest people to give away more of their money for the good of humanity.
The point is that Mr. Buffett didn’t get rich simply as a means to cover up his insecurities, to party hard, or to enjoy himself. He truly, unlike other tycoons and moguls, understand his role in society and understands that preserving wealth is far more important than spending it for entertainment or superficial reasons. This can be integral advice for younger people, who might believe that spending money is necessary to keep up appearances. Mr. Buffett would tell you that it isn’t. He is a quiet and frugal man who was already making more money than his teachers – as a student, and who delivered papers until he had saved over $50,000 at age 16. While we may see billionaires in the headlines for dating supermodels or throwing parties – it’s important to note the lesson of Warren Buffett: to live beneath your means at all times, in order to keep your wealth.
Travis Kalanick is the billionaire creator of the transportation network, Uber, and he, also is a billionaire, but he teaches us very different lessons. The bottom line is that billionaires are all different individuals with different personalities, and we can learn all sorts of valuable lessons from each of them.

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