
During a 10 Days of Designmas Challenge at the end of 2018, the CapTech CX team endeavored to design a new UI component daily.

I've wanted to design a meaningful symptom tracking experience for several years, after I found myself with the need to monitor migraines, but could not find a decent app to track them. I decided to tap into my personal challenge and convert ideas into pixels by designing a series of screens for Symmetry, a health monitoring and symptom tracking app for Apple devices.

Since diabetes is one of the most common medical conditions, I put my initial focus on leveraging technology to provide alerts when significant changes occur. So for the first challenge, I chose to use the Apple Watch as the ideal vector to notify the user about rapidly changing blood glucose levels. After consulting with a friend and fellow designer who lives with diabetes, I decided the notification would include only the current blood glucose level and copy indicating the direction and rate of change, the data necessary for a clean and actionable UI.

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