The Weekend Memoir
theweekendmemoir We have all had those boring weekends where we sat home watching a Netflix series or curled up in the bed. Well,at least that's pretty much how I'm used to spending my days off n that is when I thought about... How could I possibly have a productive weekend?
Imagine if we could spend our leisure time to interact with someone in need and see if there is any help we could offer. The weekend memoir is about making such an effort to go interact n spend time with indigent children or ones with special needs.
Now, whom do we refer to when we speak of children in need. ▪️ It could be... Say ur house maid's child or children from a penurious family background. Also, children with sensory impairment issues or other special needs.
By help we mean: ▪️From as little as taking them to places they have been wanting to visit within the city ... To asking your friends to spend time educating them on domains of their interest. You could as much as buy them new clothes or teach them to play a video game. #littlethingswithgreatlove And in case we encounter cases where we mgt have to play a bigger role... That could be done collectively