Arrow Life Badge

On April 23, 2012 while my mom was grilling in her back yard an arrow flew out of the sky and hit her in the neck. The arrow, shot by a neighborhood boy, flew over two fences, went through a bush and a tree and passed between to two hanging plants before hitting her. It lodged between her jugular and carotid artery, actually rolling the jugular out of the way as it passed by, missing both by millimeters. She was airlifted to a hospital and underwent surgery. While doing CT scans a brain tumor was discovered.

Let’s fast forward a month… The arrow wound is healing nicely, basically a large puncture wound. She underwent brain surgery 3 weeks ago and the tumor was removed (it was benign). Today she is still recovering and getting better by the minute. The tumor would not have been discovered without the arrow, and while it was benign was starting to cause life-threatening issues because of pressure on the brain. The power of prayer was on full display during both ordeals. Hundreds of people poured out prayers from literally all across the United States. Doctors and visitors have told mom she was “lucky”. Her reply is “No, I’m blessed.” God is good all the time.

Posted on May 29, 2012

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