Note-Taking App Concept #1

A student’s primary goal during a semester is to understand the content their professor is teaching. The way most students do this today is by taking notes during lecture and reviewing them before the exam. I wanted to design a way to help students take better notes so they can perform better in school.

I’ve assumed the following pain points based on my experience being a student:

-Difficult to search for notes as it’s hard to recall what it was called
-Get distracted during class and miss what the professor said
-Using multiple devices to take notes such as phone (taking photos, audio, video), laptop and physical notebook. Hard to do when the desks are so small!

Before designing a solution, I wanted to better understand the context it might be used in:

-Notes would be taken in a classroom setting so the design can’t be distracting to other students.
-Notes could be revised privately or in a study group setting
-Small desks make it difficult to always use a large device

More by Neil Deshpande

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