Weather app

This is my first Dribbble shot, I hope you like it. :) I love Dribbble!

I have always wanted to design a weather app. Inspired by the many cool weather app designs out there I couldn't resist and finally designed my own weather app. I needed the practice too and it was fun working on it. This is the first final draft.

Initially I wanted to give menu options of today, hourly, week and rain. But I decided to keep it simple (for now) with just today's forecast and the next 6 days. I decided to give it a simple/clean look and feel with 2 bright colors, green and pink.

Amazing Climacons icons by @Adam Whitcroft

Be sure to also check out the full version in the attachment :D and feel free to let me know what you guys think of it.

Benny Chew
Welcome to my design portfolio on Dribbble

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