TEDx BITS Pilani - Theme Release
A paperplane is reminiscent of how even simple beginnings lead to experiences with vicarious pleasures, how in order to soar the skies, one shouldn't be afraid to take the plunge.
All paperplanes serve disparate purposes, yet all paperplanes live the same way of life. They are made, they are flown and they fly. They brave the winds, the bully, the wretched aunt next door. And finally they come to rest, in a much more derogate state than before. Creased. Crinkled. Crumpled. But does that deem them worthless? No! They were made with a purpose and they have served it well.
TEDxBITSPilani aims to celebrate this aspect of ideas. Their
conception and purpose, however worthless they might seem.
Irrespective of the impact they made and the extent to which they made.