Gypsy Fortune Teller Game
Madam Zimbaba, the fortune teller. The initial animated sequence starts with red stage curtains opening with an animated nickel spinning to the left of the token slot; the user clicks to the coin to begin. While Madam Zimbaba starts to talk, lightning emits from her hands to tiki totem, and her eyes glow. Each candle has multiple layers of animation blended together, along with the various states of reflexive light illuminated on the sides of the booth. Hanging bones from the top of her booth start too sway, while the tiki head spins. Randomly stopping on one of the four tiki faces in relation to the fortune categories love, wealth, spirit, and wisdom. Each category has its own custom animation for the ending sequence to highlight that fortune. All of this within a continually animated background of stars, random consistency was created by segmenting the background into four regions in which stars are randomly triggered to animate and twinkle.