Design System Components UI
Some components sections already polished off before the release of Material Desktop System business edition. There are many UI styles provided as instances in this design kit. You are free to detach it and declare as the new component. Properly named, this new UI item becomes available to reuse along with of provided styles by default. It's flexible to set your own variety of most used buttons, tabs, lists and etc...
FAB, Square, Raised, Switches, Captioned, Rounded and others available in the following styles: Filled, Smooth, Outlined and Elevated. The color is up to you, simply attach new fill/stroke/shadow styles in the right Design panel
Most of the list-like UI elements in a whole system is based on a single master-component. There are few combinations available for a soft quickstart: Single-line list, Double-line list, Multiline list Iconic list, Userpic list, Logo list.
Tabs and segmented controls are classics. Swap from material default tab to desktop half-outlined just by enabling specific hidden layer inside the instance. Then refill it with new color according to your palette. Segmented tabs available in a variety of 3, 4 and 5 items in a row within 3 sample styles.
This section is a time-saver for MVPs and other ideas validation projects. Each variant based on free Google fonts, so the last thing you have to perform here - is to paste your brand name and replace the capital letter. Choose the most convenient and save a penny from ordinary logo designer...