212 - How to Have Your True BIG BREAK!
NEW EPISODE! Been working on this one for WEEKS and I'm so happy to finally share it with you!!
212 - How to Have Your True BIG BREAK! Listen here: http://www.creativepeptalk.com/episodes/2018/12/18/212-how-to-have-your-true-big-break
They have been lying to you since you were born. You've been told "that's just the way it is" about taxes, school, work, and pretty much everything. But the truth is that nothing is ever "just the way it is", it's the way people before you decided it would be.
The world isn't just the way it is, it's the way you make it and until you realize this not just in your head, but in your heart, you will be held back from living your full creative potential.
In this episode I want to share with you how I've started to unlearn this limitation and how it's dramatically impacted my approach to creative work.
In this episode you will... - Learn about a post modern philosophy that will unlock your best work - Be introduced to a system for leveling up your creative work - Hear me do an impression of Morpheus from The Matrix