Feedture app - landing page, illustrations, logo, animation

Hey guys! đź‘‹

Here's animation based on our last project.

Check live link: https://feedture.com/

Illustration, creative direction: My self (@Dejan Baric)
UI/UX Design: @ Kopanlija Igor

Something about Feedture:

Featured is an app that assists product owners to engage with their customers directly to gain feedback and collate feature requests. This allows for effective growth and development of key features - around user wants, and not what product owners think they want.

Product owners can use the feedback/data with their market to then focus their resources on building the product on what is actually wanted/needed, removing any need for guessing what their market may like.

Looking forward to your comments and feedback!

Check my behance portfolio here



3 MB
Dejan Baric
Product Designer. I'm Creating Designs for Humans 🌍

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